Don't remember much else about him, but DO remember having a great time improvising gear wide enough to bind his DRUG-ALTERED ABDOMEN.

A real pharmaceuticals abuser - be it steroids, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) or a host of other products of modern science - he'd become a MEATY MUSCLE MONSTER.

Stunning Art Atwood embodied 'roid gut perfection.

Some guys weigh the incredible muscle growth against the adverse consequences (brow ridges, bone growth and distended bellies) and decide the muscle is worth the price.

Whether the result of heavy HGH use (which causes the internal organs to grow along with everything else), anabolics, or just the massive food intake required to maintain BULL-SCALED BEEF, big, hard bellies look fierce on a fit man and a sign of a serious commitment to growing beyond human limits.

hurt me guys with your muscles and cocks