'Jason Tielman?' I answered in the affirmative. 'Just a minute. I'll be right there,' a voice said through the speaker. I looked around the street while I waited. Did any of the neighbours know what went on inside this ordinary looking brick duplex, I wondered? Probably not…
Just then the door opened, and there he was. CHEMICAL ALI, as I had been told to call him, was a massive 'roid altered man with a shaved skull and thick moustache. He was wearing tall black boots, black rubber breeches with a white stripe down the sides, and a body-hugging rubber uniform shirt with white trim on the short sleeves. He was big - really big - with pronounced eyebrow ridges, thick jaw and gigantic hard belly characteristic of chronic growth enhancement abusers, and CHEMICAL ALI loved his muscle growth medicinals. I didn't know if he was really a doctor or just acted as one 'in-house'. And I knew I wasn't supposed to ask his real name. But those who chatted with him over the 'Block website and visited here at the 'Block knew him only as CHEMICAL ALI. His circumspection made sense, really, considering the questionable legality of his medicinals – and what he did for fun.
'Jason. It's good to see you in person.' His voice was rich and deep, and his gaze slowly traveled up and down my body. I was embarrassed, and he could tell. He gestured me to come in and moved aside to let me pass. The door opened into a foyer, which opened into a long corridor that lead to the Cellblock Duty Desk, manned by a thick-set Nordic man in a form-fitting leather uniform and Muir cap set low on his forehead so that his eyes sat in shadow. He was hot, very hot.
'You have any trouble getting here, sir?' he asked. 'No, not really. I'm glad to finally be here and looking forward to spending time with CHEMICAL ALI.'
'It should be a memorable experience, I think. He's one of the best. So then let's get down to business, shall we?' the Duty Desk Officer suggested, and we immediately began the sign in process – reading and signing forms, taking a mug shot for my file and then I was told my name was now BOI and would be addressed as such for the remainder of this session.
'Have you followed the instructions I gave you, BOI?' CHEMCIAL ALI growled at me. He left and quickly returned with a small glass of orange juice, which I knew would be all that I'd have to eat or drink for the evening. I accepted it and told him I had done what he'd said. No food or drink past midnight. I'd used a Fleet enema a half hour before I left my hotel room. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't about to question him at this point.
'Excellent,' he said. He smiled, and there was something mischievous in it. Like a parent watching a kid come down the stairs on Christmas morning, feigning ignorance but knowing full well the treasures that waited under the tree. 'Then let's move downstairs, BOI? RUBBER SARGE is waiting for us.'
CHEMICAL ALI must have seen the question in my eyes. 'I have another...sergeant down in the Captain's playroom. RUBBER SARGE will be helping me during your session. Don't worry, he's very competent. I wonder - are you willing to stay after your session and help me while I work on him?' Surprised, I told him that I'd be excited to help out any way I could. It was the least I could do. We passed through a side door into a change room lined with lockers.
CHEMICAL ALI told me to take all my clothes off. Without hesitating I did what he said, and he took them from me article by article, thoughtfully folding them and stacking them in one of the empty lockers.
I stood naked and nervous in front of the fully clothed Top, further adding to my discomfort, but fortunately he appeared not to notice my discomfort and urged me to go on.
A door at the far end of the room opened onto a set of stairs that lead down to the playroom and cells. It was dim down here, and I stayed close to CHEMICAL ALI as he made his way to a private play room set apart from the more public one. I'd been told in an email that we'd be using the Captain's private play space tonight- his sanctum sanctorum – a privilege not accorded to many, but the Captain, like everyone else on the 'Block, owed CHEMCIAL ALI 'for services rendered' and wanted to stay on his good side. So much the better for me – I doubt that I would ever have been allowed in here otherwise.
I found myself in a large and dark room, lit only by a single fixture in the center. In the pool of light it cast was a table. My heart beat loudly in my chest when I saw it. It was an operating table. Its top was thinly padded, and upholstered in black rubber. There were stirrups and sections that could be removed and raised and lowered. And there were steel eyes regularly spaced around the edge. I recognized it as an old gynecological table. But it had been stripped and buffed and chromed, and the top reupholstered in thick black leather. It gleamed.
In the darkness around the table, I could catch tantalizing glimpses of other reflections off chrome and steel. There were complex things hidden in the darkness. I strained to see them, to no avail. A 'roided man in a black neoprene body suit jumped down off the table as soon as he saw us come in. He clearly was wearing nothing under the suit. His juice-loaded muscles stretched the neoprene over his shoulders, pecs and thighs, and it was very obvious that he was fully erect. He grinned. 'First visit with CHEMICAL ALI?' I gulped and nodded.
'First time's always the best. You're a lucky man, you know. CHEMICAL ALI doesn't do this for just anybody. My name's RUBBER SARGE.' He stuck out his hand. We shook. I couldn't help glancing down at the large penis-shaped bulge in his tight body suit. RUBBER SARGE noticed my glance and laughed. A glance pass between CHEMICAL ALI and RUBBER SARGE. CHEMICAL ALI reached out and took my half-hard cock in his hand, and said, 'Don't be scared, BOI. Everything's gonna' work out just fine.' He stroked my dick gently a few times, and it responded. 'Are you ready?' he asked, peering deeply into my eyes, searching for doubts, for hesitation. I nodded.
With ALI on one side of me and RUBBER SARGE on the other, they escorted me over to the table. I noticed that the floor was warm, and so was the room. I was quite comfortable in bare skin.
'Okay, BOI, up onto the table,' said CHEMICAL ALI. I began to say something, but ALI held pointed a warning finger at my face. I was not to speak. The rubber of the table was cold when I first lay down on it, and I shivered a bit, party from the cold and partly from the excitement of the touch and smell of the leather against my skin. But it quickly warmed up to body temperature.
RUBBER SARGE stepped away from the table into the dimness. I stared up at the light. It wasn't a surgical lamp like I might have expected. It was an ordinary hanging metal fixture, in white, with an ordinary dim bulb in it.

Next to it was a round mirror, like the kind you see in stores. It was convex, and while things were a little distorted, I could easily see myself and the area around the table in it. Suddenly other lights came on. The periphery of the room was lined with track lighting, and RUBBER SARGE had turned up the dimmer on one side to just a glow. The light revealed a virtual warehouse full of leather and rubber. Along all the walls were hooks and shelves, and on them were arrayed in neat order rows and rows of leather, metal and rubber gear, neoprene and rubber straps, rolls of rubber sheeting, lengths of amber-colored latex tubing, collections of buckles and clamps, chains, and many coils of rope. I looked at ALI. He looked back, a slight half-smile on his face.
'We have to secure you carefully, BOI. We don't want you falling off the table, now do we?'
RUBBER SARGE selected a big roll of black latex sheeting. It was about six inches wide, and looked fairly thin. He came back to the table. ALI, in the meantime, went to the foot of the table and carefully lifted my feet into the padded stirrups. A couple of leather straps around my ankles secured them in place. He began wrapping my feet and the stirrups in the thin black latex. With every wind of the roll, the wrapping became tighter, until I couldn't move my foot at all and it was firmly fixed to the stirrup. They did the same thing to the other foot. I felt slightly self-conscious lying naked on a table with my black-wrapped feet up in the air. ALI must have sensed that.
'RUBBER SARGE, it's going to take a while to secure BOI to the table,' he said. 'I think the poor fellow is going to become bored. What can we do to alleviate that?'
RUBBER SARGE pretended to look thoughtful. I could see that they already had something planned. RUBBER SARGE snapped his fingers. 'I have just the thing,' he said, grinning.
He disappeared into the one of the dark sides of the room and quickly came back with a gasmask. It was large, and made of a light grey rubber. It had grotesque eye holes and looked like it fit over the head of the wearer. RUBBER SARGE slipped it over the top of my head. I was glad I kept my hair pretty much shaved off, or the straps would have pulled it. I reached up with my hands to help guide it into position, but RUBBER SARGE stopped me. 'Let me do it,' he chided. In moments it was secure. I had never worn a gasmask. It was tight and restrictive but I could see fairly well out of it. It smelled strongly of rubber, and perhaps of something else, very faintly. I couldn't place it. The smell of the rubber was nice, though, and my dick, which had been limp, now began to stand upright.
'That's better,' said CHEMICAL ALI. 'I can see he likes that. But I think we can do better than that.' RUBBER SARGE nodded and fetched a long length of corrugated black rubber hose. I couldn't see just how he did it, but he attached it to the gasmask. He leaned over me. 'I do *so* enjoy watching a man's first real rubber experience,' he whispered. He reached down and squeezed the bulge under his black rubber crotch. My own erection grew and expanded, and not just because of his all-too-attractive woodie. Mostly it was because of the odor of rubber that was filling the gasmask. The valves in the mask pulled air in through the tube, and out through an exhaust vent. So every breath was drawn through the length of that long rubber hose. The air picked up the scent and the mask was full of it. My cock practically leapt to life.
'Oh, yes,' nodded RUBBER SARGE. 'That does it for you. Having a good time, BOI?' I nodded in response.
Meanwhile, ALI had been continuing the wrapping. He'd wrapped each leg separately in several layers of latex strips, mummifying each leg into immobility. He'd wrapped the rubber around the supports for the stirrups on several of the windings, so my legs were now wrapped in glistening black as far up as my thighs and firmly secured in the air. He asked me to try to move them. I could get only a few millimeters movement in any direction. I suspected that given time, I could eventually kick and writhe and squirm free, but it would take a great deal of effort. But I didn't *want* to break free. Why would I? I was about to have my deepest, darkest fantasy fulfilled and brought to life. I breathed in deeply, savoring the smell of the rubber, and turned on by the rush of air into the mask.
Suddenly there was another odor. Now I recognized it. At the other end of the table, RUBBER SARGE had reached into a drawer in the table and produced a small brown bottle. Now he was holding it to the other end of the hose. Poppers.
My heart began to beat very fast and I felt warm and flushed. But suddenly the smell was gone - ALI had shaken his head, and RUBBER SARGE was putting the bottle away. 'No poppers for BOI, RUBBER SARGE. Find something else to do with the hose.' I felt vaguely disappointed. And then I remembered - I had mentioned in one of my emails with CHEMICAL ALI a long time ago that I didn't really care for poppers. Frankly, under these circumstances I wouldn't have minded. I began to say so, but RUBBER SARGE shushed me. 'No talking,' he said. My head cleared as the last traces of the poppers vanished.
He looked thoughtful for a moment. I wondered what he was going to do. Then he grinned widely, and very slowly and deliberately, and in full view, he slid the hose into his body suits right alongside that bulging dick of his. It was now much harder to breathe. But every breath was suffused with the smell of rubber and the heady scent of RUBBER SARGE. I moaned with pleasure. 'Oh, well *done* RUBBER SARGE!' grinned ALI. He was securing the wrappings at the top of my thighs, and he watched with amusement as my cock throbbed and dripped precum. I reached down toward my cock. ALI batted my hand away.
'Now, now, BOI. We can't have you doing that. Time to get those hands and arms secured.'
I obediently sat up when they directed me to, and they began wrapping my arms with the latex. When they were wrapped, they bound them to my sides with yards and yards of rubber wrapped around my torso. All the while, I breathed RUBBER SARGE. I watched, fascinated, as every breath caused the rubber around RUBBER SARGE's cock to suck in, clearly outlining it as though it was vacuum-packed. I had to fight to breathe, but it was very exciting. After a while of this, RUBBER SARGE glanced at me and grinned again.
They lay me back down again. Now only my shoulders, hands, head, and pelvis were exposed. My arms were pinned to my sides - I couldn't move them at all other than wiggling my fingers. CHEMICAL ALI opened a drawer in the side of the table and pulled out a pair of bandage scissors. Carefully, with the flat side toward my skin, he cut out two openings in the latex wrapping over my nipples. As soon as he was done, RUBBER SARGE reached over and played with my nipples for a bit as ALI put away the scissors and disposed of the scraps of rubber. My hard-on got even harder - I have sensitive nipples, and it's as though they are hard-wired directly to my cock. ALI disappeared into the darkness for a moment. RUBBER SARGE continued to gently play with my nipples.
'How come you never had these beauties pierced, Dave? You could have so much more fun with them if they were.' I glanced into the darkness where CHEMICAL ALI had vanished. 'Too chicken,' I whispered, muffled by the gasmask. 'It's just a little pain,' said RUBBER SARGE. 'It goes away. And then you have two new toys.' He tweaked my nipples hard, as if to emphasize his point. He pulled his body suit away from his chest, and I could see rings in both his nipples. He grinned. 'I've thought about it,' I began, 'but - '
I stopped. CHEMICAL ALI had returned. I gasped. He was wearing a huge black anesthetic mask strapped to his face. a short ten-inch length of hose dangled from it. He was carrying another roll of latex sheeting, only a couple of inches wide.

'Remove the gasmask, RUBBER SARGE,' instructed ALI. RUBBER SARGE complied, gently stripping the gasmask off my head.
I couldn't take my eyes off the mask on ALI's face. It was huge. I wanted it on me. But while it was on ALI I was at least able to get a good look at it. It was large and curved, and had a little tube for inflating the face pad. There was a bright angled chrome connector sticking out of the front of it, and the thick black hose was slipped onto this. I studied every detail of it while ALI worked.
He wrapped the end of the long rubber strip around the top of my head a few times, then proceeded to weave the rubber strip through the eyelets along the head of the table, over my forehead, through the opposite eyelets, and back again. He always crossed the same part of my forehead, and soon the cumulative tension from the stretched rubber pressed my head firmly down into the padded surface of the table. His voice muffled by the mask, he asked me to try to move my head. I did as he commanded, and found that I could get a very small amount of nodding movement, but I couldn't turn my head at all. All the while I watched ALI's eyes above the mask, trying to anticipate what would happen next. I now knew why the mirror was there, as it let me see what was going on around me even with my head bound.
Satisfied that my head was secure, ALI moved to the head of the table, standing behind me. He leaned over me, so that I was looking right up at his upside-down face under that wonderful mask, the short hose hanging down nearly to my lips. 'One more thing to do, BOI,' he said, and then we can begin.'
His breath from the hose washed over my face. It was sweet, warm, and full of rubber odor. RUBBER SARGE suddenly appeared with a large folded piece of heavy black rubber. I hadn't even noticed that he'd gone, so intent had I been on ALI's masked face. It was a large sheet, and it seemed to have weights sewn or glued into the edges. They draped this over me, up to my chest. It was heavy, and it pressed down on me, almost making it hard to breathe. It was cold. I knew it would warm up quickly. CHEMICAL ALI went into the dark and returned with a small cart. My heart raced.
On the cart was a compressed gas cylinder of some sort, a selection of hoses, and a couple of complex-looking valves. There were other things I didn't recognize. Some sort of plastic fitting. some connectors. A spray can. Small bottles. A pole with a hook on it stuck out of the top of the cart. I watched as ALI connected a thin clear tube to the regulator on the gas cylinder. The other end went onto some sort of fitting on the side of a plastic jar. Glued to the lid of the jar was a long, thick length of corrugated black rubber hose. Reaching down, he brought up from the bottom tray of the cart a large black rubber breathing bag. It had some sort of chrome tee fitting on it, so there were two connections. He hung the bag from the hook and wheeled it over to the side of the table where I could see it clearly, both directly and in the mirror. He attached the black hose from the jar to one end of the tee connector. That left just one connection left, and I could figure out where that went.
CHEMICAL ALI selected a long four-foot section of black corrugated hose, and slipped it onto the connection. Then he reached up and removed the mask he'd been wearing. He pulled the short section of hose off it and attached the mask to the business end of the contraption he'd put together. My heart raced.
'Now look carefully, BOI,' said ALI. He pointed to the tank. 'Compressed air,' he said. His finger traced along the tubing to the little jar. 'The air goes in here, and comes out the top. The air passes over whatever is inside the jar.' He followed the large hose from the jar to the breathing bag. 'The air goes in here and through the bag and then...' He held up the mask. 'To you. There's a one-way valve on the mask to let the air out as you exhale.'
He unscrewed the jar and placed a large, loosely folded piece of gauze inside. Then he picked up the spray can. 'This is ethyl chloride. Many years ago they used to use it to anesthetize children. It has minimal side effects and is relatively safe to use - in the hands of someone who is experienced." He sprayed quite a lot of the liquid onto the gauze. It formed a little puddle on the bottom of the jar. He screwed the jar back onto its lid. ALI moved once again to the head of the table. I could see his upside down face looking down at me. He held the big black mask with its black rubber hose poised above me, where I could see it clearly.
'Now this is where you have to ask yourself, BOI - do you trust me? Because this is dangerous play, and at times your life will literally be in my hands. Do you want to go on? Say no now, and you can leave. Say yes, and you're committed until I'm through with you. From the moment you say yes, you won't have any say in what happens to you until I release you. What's your answer?' My cock was hard and throbbing under the rubber sheet. I looked at ALI and at RUBBER SARGE. I looked at the mask, and the light gleamed dully off the rubber. They were searching my face, looking for hesitation, for doubts. They wouldn't find any, because I had none.
'I want to go on,' I said firmly. The mask pressed down on my face. ALI spun the handle on the compressed air tank. It hissed. And suddenly the black rubber breathing bag began to fill. I took a hesitant breath as CHEMICAL ALI pressed the mask harder onto my face. At first there was just the familiar smell of rubber, but then another odor filled the mask. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was strong - pungent. Sort of like... alcohol or paint thinner. I'd never smelled it before. I took another hesitant breath, and the odor was even stronger. I watched as the breathing bag refilled.
'That's right, BOI. Breathe slowly and evenly. Don't fight it,' said ALI.
I could see the excitement in his eyes, and I knew that he was enjoying what he was doing to me - the control over me. I tried to imagine being in his shoes - being the top and doing to others what he was doing for me, but my thoughts were turning slowly, somehow. I could feel the first touch of tingling in my hands and feet, and the sound I knew so well was beginning in my ears. To my surprise the ethyl chloride vapor was easy to breathe. I didn't feel at all like I was choking. My eyes went from ALI's face to the bag. It emptied as I breathed in, and filled again as I breathed out. ALI's voice seemed slightly more distant now.
'Breathe, BOI. Take nice long, slow breaths. That's right.'
My eyes fixed on the bag. It emptied and filled, swelled and contracted, and now the feeling the vapor was imposing on me was becoming intense. My ears were roaring and singing. My body kept growing and shrinking. The room around the bag was fading, whiting out. I could tell that ALI was saying something, but it was very hard to make out; it seemed to echo infinitely, like he was talking in a deep cave. Slowly I could feel myself going away.
RUBBER SARGE began to move. I vaguely felt the rubber sheet being pulled away and a hand on my cock. Then, somehow for a moment I could think clearly. Or perhaps it was just the illusion of clarity. It was like I'd reached a plateau of some sort in the journey to unconsciousness. I knew it couldn't last long, so I looked up into the mirror.
RUBBER SARGE had one hand around my cock and with the other had pulled something out of a drawer, and now I could hear the buzz of barber's clippers. He didn't use them yet, he just stroked my throbbing cock gently with his hand. But the bag emptied and filled again, and the mask was full of the odor of the vapor and I was off the plateau and falling fast. I no longer saw anything. My eyes were open, I think, but they were filled with sparkles. Somewhere, from a great distance, I could feel the clippers working on my head. I vaguely wondered what they were doing, but I didn't really care. What was happening right now was far more important. I spun. A strange humming vibration filled the universe, and I was part of it. I felt like I was soaring in infinite space. It sang, it roared, it spun, I spun -
(Cellblock cannot claim full authorship of this diary entry. While sections of this entry originate at the 'Block, other sections originate in an email. 'Block staff welcome diary entries from our followers and will attribute authorship to submissions if requested to do so. Sarge D)
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